Friday, April 1, 2022

A Call Already Answered: Up a River

[Joel wrote this as a Call to Adventure, but we Scribes were in the throes of our troubles; we post it now for completeness, to be recalled when the recap is written]

The Missing Merchant

With the ghar gone, the land along the Ghana River grows bountiful, able to produce enough goods for trade. Many iqtadareen (lords) eagerly await ships of trade from the river. However, the first of these ships has not arrived and its whereabouts are unknown. So a bounty agent by the name of Duncan has been hired to negotiate with adventurer-barbarians on behalf of both parties, the merchant traders and the river lords. Both parties wish to find out the fate of the ship and to find out if anything threatens the riverine trade route.

Duncan has interviewed the people most familiar with the area: the ship was last seen headed down the Ghana River but no one has seen it in the delta. Many locals fear it may have been taken at the dunes at the delta's head as there is a new cavern there that was not there before. And of course rumors abound of misfortune and danger to all who approach this place, but Duncan has yet to confirm if any of it is true.

So the call has gone out to all the taverns of Cothan--now who will answer??

[the call was answered; the seeking was done ... the Scribes now only await a report as to the success or failure of the deeds ...]

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