Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Plans for the Iqta' al Saahil al Shamaliy

[designed by Jacob, player of Sesel, iqtadar of the very Iqta', presented as artwork following the surveying-expedition recently embarked upon by himself and certain dependents, and earning Sesel 100 xp per level]

The orientation of this map is top=south, bottom=north, left=east, right=west; unconventional, and yet it is natural for the surveyor, as he disembarks at the shore, and thus looks up to the southern headland toward the planned iqta'. Also natural in that the natural heights are correspondingly at the top of the plans, which descend to the sea-level bottom of the plans.

The provisional designation of the iqta'--Iqta' al Saahil al Shamaliy--denotes it as the "Fief of the North Shores", and though it is currently noted as such in the relevant legal literature, it is noted as merely provisional until Sesel's adoption of some preferred nomenclature (or perhaps he likes the current appellation?).

At this hour of game time, these structures are at least partially finished (the survey having happened just after the wedding of Sesel and Zaida al Rashid toward the end of August). The pales enclosing the grounds stand, ready for the herd of hma and hmela, a dock stands ready under the cliffs for the Silver Qaqtla, and the civilian buildings are mostly complete, all looked over by the scaffolded skeleton of the tower approved in negotiation with the Souffets.

In the (near?) future, there will be a further post describing the iqta' in fuller detail, but let this suffice for now.