Thursday, December 14, 2023

The Zihuitlani Games

Almost a lunar year ago, Gan ad-Din and the Chroniclers went on a short tour outside the Dual Cities and up the western coast to Ittiyqa and the port of Baldashmun on the island across a short strait before returning to Cothon-Gadeed.

The time coincided with the solar new year and the Eid of the New Sun, when sacrifices are made in honor of the sun and with the intent to strengthen it and rejuvenate it for the next year.

This time is especially important in the city of Ittiyqa. Rather than simply making citywide sacrifices and donating excess meat to the poor and needy throughout the city, the Ittiyqans especially revere their founder hero Zihuitle, who was a fire bearer and so a kind of cognate with the sun and its need of rejuvenation.

To this end, the traditional sacrifices have been transformed into the Zihuitlani Games, which encompass both sacrifices and games--and specifically, the mix of the two that is gladiatorial combat (which is thus given a double meaning of funereal sacrifice and regenerative sacrifice with the spilling of the blood of the gladiators).

Gan ad-Din has been noted expressing interest in taking part in such games as a gladiator and champion himself--not only the Zihuitlani Games, but also the tripartite games of Cothon-Gadeed (Coreguyi, shortly upcoming, Tsamri-Hane, and Xoldasoteri).

For those who are aspiring, but less sure of themselves, the games include a tourney, the winner of which is granted "champion" status and then allowed to participate in the real gladiatorial challenges of the Games. To participate, one pays a 60 dinar fee to the administrators of the Games, and then participate in one-on-one duels until losing or becoming the ultimate champion, who wins 400 dinars and the title of Champion, with which one may enter the real to-the-death gladiatorial combats of the Arena.

The Champion portions of the Games are where the real glory is to be won, however, before the entire audience of the great Arena. First, there are a series of one-on-one or two-on-two (or rarely more) bouts between evenly matched fighters--these serve as the bulk of the real gladiatorial entertainment. Then, with the climax of the Games, there is some staged combat between teams, made elaborate with set pieces, monsters, and higher objectives than simply slaying one's opponents.

This year, the rumored staged combat is to represent a rekindling of the sun by one team needing to capture coals or brands away from another defending team and thus to light their own bonfire. The particular circumstances will only be revealed at the time of the Games, of course--the gamesmasters don't want to let the surprise be ruined!

Each combat in the Champion portions of the Games are affairs to the death (though individual gladiators, or those following the whim of the crowd, may strike false blows to yielding opponents, rather than actually killing them). Losers' bodies are ransomed back to their families, friends, or fighting-society, while their arms and armor are kept by the winner as his prize. It is known that the especially wealthy and magically connected may keep different panoplies ready in case of death or defeat, and in case of death may even be supernaturally called back to their bodies by those knowledgeable enough in the deep philosophies.

The Idea

As of writing this call to adventure in the Arena of Ittiyqa, these are my thoughts on the nature of the game:

  • it is retroactive, i.e. it has already happened in the past within the fiction (IF a player-character dies an ultimate death--which the scribes find unlikely, given the magic the players have access to--that PC would have to cease being played, being dead, with the reasoning being that they didn't recover properly after the Games, but got a year of "extra" life before succumbing; and that's a pretty big IF, like I said, but risk is a part of the game)
  • any player/character wishing to participate need only pay some fee chartering a ship (or transport by other means), and they'll be present; we're not going to worry about logistics at this hour
  • depending on the number of players who wish to be directly involved, there will be a bout with Gan alone, or perhaps with a "squire" to aid him, and other players may take antagonistic roles, or play the crowd
  • there will also be a larger staged bout as described including everyone who wishes to participate and (presumably, assuming he wins) Gan ad-Din as captain of one of the gladiatorial teams
  • given their foreign status (coming from another city of the League), player-characters involved in fighting will have to pay a 5000 dinar fee to the gamemasters to get their team into the big staged combat; this is unique to circumstances now, and will almost certainly be different with subsequent Games (remember, winners get ransom money and losers' arms and armor)
  • player-characters may of course attend the Games without participating other than to bet on the outcome--if anyone chooses to do this, I'll have to work up some odds, but for the moment I'd rather hear that there is interest before I do so

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