Friday, December 22, 2023

Old Dog, New Status

[This document should be considered back-dated to 6 September, right after the reported decision of the Souffets and the response by the party that Pako should be censor of their new grant of land]

Pako the Citizen

The Souffets granted the company who captured Fort Stormbreak, né Bugeater, the right to elect a military commander (mridha), for whom they chose Sesel; and to elect a civilian commander and tax collector, or censor, to mutually command the Fort. For the latter, the company elected Pako, longtime loyal comrade of Durham of the Ringing Anvil.

This is certainly a surprise! There is no law against granting citizenship to a renyu or assigning one such a high office, it is a thing almost unheard of. There was Saint Khristof once, who was indeed even a saint, but renyu are not widely known for their intelligence or initiative. Whatever the feeling of the Souffets regarding this decision, they certainly won't deny it the heroes of the Bugeater crisis.

Therefore, with some little fanfare, Pako was duly invited to make the procession between the Long Walls from Cothon to Gadeed, to enter the Court of the Mount, escorted by Sesel, his sponsor and companion. In that palace, Pako stood first before a lesser magistrate, whose office of censor Pako would soon take on himself, to declare his answers to the four formulaic questions: 

  1. What wealth do you claim?
  2. Do you make any claim to rights or privileges according to the pedigree of your ancestors?
  3. What is your profession?
  4. Do you swear loyalty to Gadeed, to Cothon, and to their Souffets? Do you swear to keep arms, and/or to provide for the arms of your servants and/or slaves, for service to the Mother of Cities and the Ten Cities' League?

From there--assuming he answered well and without any offense to Gadeed, and did indeed swear the oath--he was escorted before the Souffets to be invested with his office of Censor of Stormbreak (as the fort was renamed) alongside Sesel being invested as Mridha of Stormbreak.

Pako's name and the date inked in lapis lazuli blue, and stamped with gold

Pako the Censor

As censor Pako is responsible for the development of the land around Fort Stormbreak into productive land, the taxes on which he can farm and will retain 10% for his own personal use. The land allotted him is a 10 mile radius around the fort, which is approximately 314 square miles.

The land is currently not well developed, except around the inn-on-the-ford, and so the land as a whole yields only a fraction of what it could if properly developed. The river is replete with fish and eels, so one might imagine fishing weirs providing one place for development; or using its current for driving a mill. One might also expect Pako to use his connections with the Was'go tribe of renyu, from among whom he was born, to perhaps develop the land in some way that renyu would be good at, like hunting or birding. Other ideas will have to be developed by Pako (and whoever might wish to help him).

As of September, Pako would have a monthly personal income of 100 dinars between taxes from the inn and the little bit of income from the land. This can be significantly increased if Pako surveys the land to see how it might be used, and invites settlers to come out to the Fort or the area around the inn and to thus start developing the land to be useful to Cothon-Gadeed.

This means that Pako has earned 400 dinars since investiture.

Pako should, of course, coordinate with Sesel on ideas about the Fort itself

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