Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Plunder from Yramrag

About two months ago, a courageous company ventured into the sea caves of the Ocean's Throat, seeking the bounty on the rogue alchemist Yramrag, and to free the renyu serving him from the heavy yoke of his command.

That company included these adventurers:

  • Durham
  • Mara
  • Dehuhada
  • Persephone
     and Tanit al Jamila

They succeeded in their mission--returning to the Kantor Kabljauhof with the inkvine-scarred head of Yramrag, and thus earning the Hanse's bounty for his demise, as well as declaring alliance with the freed tribe of renyu, now known as the Wasgo Tribe.

the inkvine-
scarred head

What's more, they plundered Yramrag's illicit alchemical laboratory, and thus came into possession of his equipment and inventory, but also laid claim to his spellbooks, notes, and correspondence. Now, as the Scribes have finally returned to updating this chronicle (their work on the upcoming tax-code reform being finally complete!), an accounting of these things is provided here, so that those who joined the expedition may properly divvy up their plunder:

Potions and Elixirs

  • 10 "illicit" Sakkra blood potions (they appear darker, almost black, than the Kantor's potions)
  • 8 "Elixirs of Heroic Vigor" (these potions inure the imbiber to pain or fear, granting temporary hit points and a bonus to attack and morale)
  • 2 Potions of Heroism (per the OSE SRD)
  • 1 bottle of poisoned wine
  • 3 vials of "Yramrag's Perfect Antidote" (purported by the alchemist's notes to completely neutralize any kind of poison or venom)

Four Spellbooks

A Game of Death
This work includes a copy of part of the saga of the Red Pirate Galba in which he challenged a Sikelian pirate to a simple game of wits--"Which cup holds the poisoned wine?" Galba's success, of course, relied on his poisoning both cups, and being himself immune to the dose he proffered.
Following the excerpt, the spell-writer--perhaps originally Karmer himself?--lays out the principles of various spells involving poison, sniffing it out, and its slowing or neutralization.
I. preserve flesh
II. renyu's nose, Karmer's wine to poison, slow poison

A Prologomen to the Hidden Nature of Reality and the Lightness of Being
A peculiar treatise in which the arcane-philosopher disputes the reality of "matter", arguing instead that everything that exists is mere emanations of light--and such, once one understands the simplest such argument, one can perceive that "weight" and "mass" really are nothing, and that gravity is easily negated, just as light shines where it will. Unfortunately, this is only the prelude to the full argument (in which was promised much greater magics!)
II. levitate, lighten load

The Hunt for the Fuligin Feshenga of Zendak
A copy of a narrative poem about Jabborg, a smith-hero of the Bulrathi, and how he wielded the jagged lance of lightning in the eponymous hunt alongside other heroes and demigods. The cadence of stresses and harsh consonants is renowned among poets as onomatopoeia for a thunderstorm, and the spell-writer uses these cadences to actually effect lightning merely by proper recitation of the proper verses.
I. magic missile
III. lightning bolt

The Rhetoric of Genius
Yramrag's self-aggrandizing accounts of how self-talk that one is a genius can lead one to actually becoming one, and how talking oneself and one's accomplishments up in the right way can so overwhelm lesser minds that they fall sway to the dictates of one's own genius.
The possession of this original spellbook, which contains a polished mirror plate on the inside cover, opposite a mantra of self-praise, if regularly appraised, causes one's charm spells to be saved against at -1 by other creatures.
I. charm person
II. hold person
IV. charm monster

A Library of Notes

Several folios of notes, meticulously taken and organized, detailing various experiments both successful and failed. The example of his organization, as well as the extensive notes on various agents and reagents and their reactions, would aid any would-be-alchemist in designing and effecting their own experiments, and so anyone in possession of these notes while practicing alchemy can roll at +1 on their dice roll.

The notes include certain formulae, and also could be used to research certain narrow topics:

  • formula for "illicit" Sakkra blood
  • formula for "Elixir of Heroic Vigor"
  • formula for "Yramrag's Perfect Antidote"
  • extensive notes on Sakkra physiology and anatomy, as well as notes on their social organization and fighting tactics, as reported to him by the Wasgo
  • similar notes concerning renyu (physiology, anatomy, social structure)
  • details on his strange experiments in crossbreeding

Private Correspondences

A trove of letters and notes exchanged mostly between Yramrag and the pirates who are known to have a kind of fortified lair in the Ocean's Throat. Much of the exchange has to do with Yramrag's supply of the pirates with his potions,. in return for money and supplies, and as such is rather quotidian. However a quick skim through the notes reveals to potential topics of further inquiry:

  • a regular exchange of magical notes, as well as investigations into the strange "Green Doors" in the caves, lights moving under the dark waters of the caves, and other such things, signed either VikonyĆ” or Hadisha (in different hands)
  • certain cryptic "invoices" (as it were) which seem to indicate similar trade with a group other than the pirates--and signed in a way that seem to implicate the Barcidae of the Migdol!
Either of these lines of inquiry would require downtime to research, as sifting through the correspondence for relevant papers and letters would be rather time-consuming.

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