[written by Phil, player of Bartholomew Pettibone, regarding a recent expedition into the tombs of the Necropolis, and earning Bart 100 xp per level]
From the Journals of Bartholomew Pettibone, of the House Pettibone
A Purveyor of Enchanting Sorcery
02 October 2021
Through the Eyes of a Ru'un
I recently joined an expedition into the Necropolis, into the catacombs west of the Cenotaph. The intent of that sojourn was to petition for the release of one Dr. Sontag (a healer of renowned) from his willing incarceration with a cabal of independent, leaderless Klackons, the Mnor. The good doctor had remained with the Mnor, in good faith, while his compatriots at the time delivered a message from the Mnor to Sesel, the Voice of the Survivors. As their message had been passed on, it was deemed morally fitting to retrieve Dr. Sontag from his hostage situation.
Prior to departing on this mission, I initiated a unique relationship with, and had deep discussions with the defacto leader (Dore) of the independent Klackons residing within Cothon-Gadeed, by name of Lee-Ray – a philosopher. These talks were focused on the basic structure and mind-set of the Klackon society. In the not too distant past, I had participated in the “Great Cleansing of the 6th House”, and during that business I had mercifully killed two deeply infected, high-ranking Klackons – a Dore and a Princess. Due to these actions, I wondered what it might mean to the various Klackon factions, and to the factions those two beings represented. What befalls klackons who are without a leader caste?
Our expedition set forth and entered the Necropolis, had little difficulty locating the Mnor, and easily affected the release of Dr. Sontag. The Mnor, being without a leader caste, needing a 'purpose', and having a wish to 'belong' to some greater faction (but forever shunned by their klackon sisters), agreed to meet with Sesel. I had been instructed by Sesel that he wished to form a compact with these Mnor, whereby they could find standing and social acceptance as functional members/builders of his new iq'ta. This was accomplished. With this diplomatic mission completed, we turned our energies toward random exploration within the catacombs of the Necropolis.
Feeling a bit jaunty, and pleased with our success concerning the Mnor and Dr. Sontag, our small group continued exploring this area of the Necropolis. Late in our excursions I felt the import of some of our discoveries warranted the maintenance of at least a crude map. I noted several exceptional items of interest on my rag.
The first being the location of the tomb of Hamdi the Voyager. I knew that others of my fellow barbarians had in their possession the 'Codex of Hamdi', and I assumed that it must have come from these very chambers. The tomb had certainly been ransacked by grave-robbers, and there was evidence of great, powerful claws scratching out gouges in the tomb's portal (K'Zinti?). However, our exploration provided clues to the existence and whereabouts of a fabled artifact – the Aegis of the Demon Queen. It was my belief that these clues may have gone unnoticed by earlier explorers, and could be of great importance.
The second was that some horrible demon lay ensconced behind an altar – residing in a skull filled with ghoulish, yellow fungi – ostensibly guarding a hoard of some long-lost hero. However, after disturbing its rest, we proved much too frail a match for this creature, as it attempted to destroy the mind of Lars, Ghar Rider! We ended up fleeing the Necropolis with some small amount of grave-treasure, our lives, and our sanity. And I had a crude map. Sometimes, information and remaining alive have intrinsic value of their own!
It was several weeks after this outing to the Necropolis that I found myself having a meal and discussion with Sesel. We chatted about our different experiences within the Necropolis, and our separate encounters within and around Hamdi's tomb. Sesel was good enough to allow me access to his map, and I was able to match my shoddy attempt at cartography with his more detailed accounting. It became apparent to me that we had each explored similar areas, but had also paid particular attention to, and noted different aspects of the tombs within the maze of catacombs. In effect, I found that our combined maps required accurate proofing and updating. While Sesel's notes seemed to match my experiences, our two maps had areas that deviated significantly.
After my discovery, we met again to discuss a possible new excursion into the catacombs of the Necropolis, west of the Cenotaph, and we petitioned several of our stalwart companions to join us. The common room at Cothon Understar was filled with the usual smoke, the jarring aromas of food and drink of various sentient species, and the noise of various conversations. Within this din, I laid out a basic plan of entering the catacombs, conducting a more concerted mapping effort (in order to proof our past efforts), and possibly gaining access to whatever lay beyond the demon-skull guardian. And so it was that our party set forth, including: myself (accompanied by Gan ad Din, Bearer of All Things and the Protector of All Knowledge), Hey-Jo of the Ink-Stained Hands, Sesel (The Voice of the Survivors), our good friend Durham of the Ringing Anvil (with the ever loyal Pako at his side), Dark Avin, and the scholarly Raoden.
Our travel to the Cenotaph was quick and easy, lanterns were lit and held high, and we entered the maze of catacombs to the west. We moved slowly, allowing time for more concentrated mapping efforts, and quickly realized that indeed, past efforts at mapping had omitted several salient details. Confusion and much discussion ensued, but we forged ahead, recognizing several distinct features.
In due time our new map began to form a more cohesive picture, and we found that both previous, separate expeditions had either left out important passages and rooms, or our different groups had merely mapped different areas altogether. However, as mentioned, our present efforts bore the fruit of a more comprehensive, accurate, and detailed map.
Of important note were these items:
As you enter this area of the Necropolis, if the main passage is followed toward the northwest, you will come to the two massive, beaked colossi that stand guard on the pathway to the oracle (we did not continue that way, but directed our course to the west).
Within the northern and eastern portion of the catacombs are four large, circular chambers. Each are lined with numerous burial niches in the style fitting Cothon-Gadeed of late. The niches have a nautical theme – it is as if you stand within some bizarre boat-shed full of dead, decaying bodies. In the NW side of the largest of these chambers is an alcove with a large altar. Around and upon the altar are broken bits and lengths of large, shipping oars.
Near where we entered the catacombs, just to the E of the circular chamber with the altar, lies the sealed tomb of 'Goroborg', perhaps an ancient relative and hero to the Barcidae. Notations on the tomb indicate that it is likely cursed. This is a very distinctive portal, with panels of large, oddly chunky, runes (old Barcidae?). We left this resting place in peace.
A closed chamber, just south of one of the circular burial chambers, has apparently become the nesting area of sekeker. Even as the lure of their expensive wax tempted us, we passed this place and left it undisturbed.
Deep in the catacombs, down a very long passage with many cross paths, and far to the south, is a massively large chamber wherein the Mnor Klackons have recently made their home. It can be distinguished by its extremely large size, and the unmistakable aroma of particularly edible fungi consumed by their species.
A large, circular chamber containing a step-pool is located NE of Hamdi's tomb, and SW of the true tomb of Eetra the Swift. This pool can be found directly down an open passage that leads west from the sekeker nest-room, and has a set of large, wide steps leading down into brackish water. Several bodies of various species lie within the pool, in various states of decomposition. We did not disturb this place.
Off to the west, as far west as we have mapped, Hamdi's tomb has most definitely been discovered and – unfortunately – ransacked of all valuables by a host of previous grave-robbers. However, within this tomb there are a myriad of engravings and artwork that depict an ancient history, of which much has been, perhaps, lost to antiquity. From the sarcophagus of Hamdi, I have liberated the skull of the Voyager, and placed it reverently aboard Bob, so that Hamdi may continue his explorations, even in death. However, I feel that there is something about this chamber that still harbors a secret; therefore, Raoden and I spent much time here making copies and etchings of the artwork and runes. After all, it is a crypt tomb of a once formidable, historic figure.
Nearby to Hamdi's tomb (just to the E), is a chamber filled with burial niches that presumably house the remains of modest warriors. In here we found the recent remains of a hapless adventurer who had likely been in a scuffle, injured, took refuge, and was later devoured by crypt denizens. There was little of value in this chamber.
At the close of a dead-end passage, in the northern area of the catacombs is a tomb distinctly noted as that of Eetra the Swift. However, we found it to be a false crypt, a decoy set to deceive robbers and plunderers. The sarcophagus, with Eetra in effigy, is void of a body, and presumably never housed one. Little of value can be found here – excepting a copious garden of various 'singing' fungal growths that may severely affect mental cohesiveness, and perhaps have some medicinal value. Eetra was apparently fond of the 'singing' fungi; their image is found among the artwork within the tomb, as a recurring decorative motif. It is rumored that these shrooms provided Eetra with an ability to harness mental energy to great effect.
Across from the false tomb of Eetra is another closed, sealed tomb. The occupant is, at present, unknown. However, Mrrshan and K'Zin derogatory graffiti has been scratched all over this portal, and a sound of 'squishing' (?) could be heard within. We left this tomb unopened.
Not far to the N of the step-pool, but on the opposite side of the passage, is an alcove housing an altar. It was behind this altar where the guardian skull-demon resided, and past it, we located a low, narrow passage into the true crypt of Eetra the Swift! With the prowess of Durham we were able to vanquish a formidable EAT (evil anemone tree), and abscond with most everything of value within this tomb. Again, the 'singing' fungi of Eetra's desire were found in great proliferation within this chamber. It is now my considered opinion that the skull we found behind the altar on a previous expedition was actually not infused with a demon, but was naught more than that of a former shield-warrior to Eetra, buried here as a guardian and boon companion in death. I believe that the 'singing' fungus growing in this area pressed in upon Lars during our former adventure, and invaded his mind with intense visions of fire, destruction, and glee. In haste and without consideration, our party had then pitched burning oil upon this skeletal corpse, likely with absolutely no effect, other than to burn out the fungus that grew within it. The skull/skeleton likely never posed a threat – it was only the 'singing' fungi that affected Lars and sent us into a route. Fear of the unknown can cause even rational people to comport themselves in irrational ways.
During our mapping activities we encountered a pair of somewhat attractive female K'Zin – assumed to be adherents to a specific all female K'Zin cabal, and able to wield magic. Our initial meeting was tense, but after making trade of valuables, information, and drink, we were allowed to enter their chambers (a 'remodeled' crypt south of Hamdi's tomb) and exchange further pleasantries. We departed their company with the promise that if we entered the Necropolis again with certain aromatic blossoms, they (and their 'sisters') would attend to us without hostilities. Of great import, they noted to us that the K'Zin males sought the Aegis of the Demon Queen far down the passage that leads west from the tomb of Hamdi.
To the north, within another circular, nautical-themed burial chamber, we attended to a previously located secret door. Sesel was certain that behind this secret door was a chamber that harbored a dangerous ru'un – one of the weird, part biological/part mechanical, guardians of ancient magics. Our mapping ended here, as it was at this point when we had our most lucrative and disturbing encounter.
Durham used his scanner to help determine what might be present behind this final, secret door. Indeed, it appeared that various objects of power were hidden therein, as well as faint biological readings. Sesel used their mind's eye to scry within the room, and noted that a ru'un waited on the opposite side of the door, and that several tech-like sarcophagi sat clustered around a central power pillar. These sarcophagi appeared similar to those noted under Dalan's tomb, but where those were formed and outfitted to house large Klackons, these were smaller and more slight in appearance. As well, some of the sarcophagi appeared to be vibrant and operational, while some did not. I asked my companions to hold off on immediately opening this can of worms and disturbing the ru'un. We had never been so close to one before, and we had a unique opportunity to learn from it.
Oh – to see through the 'eyes' of a ru'un!
I reached into the arcana that surrounds us and pushed my mind's eye into that of the biological portion of the beast, allowing me to perceive what it perceived. My visual sense was flooded with weird layers of sight entirely alien to me, but somewhat similar to what Gan sees when he wears and operates the helm from the 'Facility'. It appeared to me that these perceptions went beyond what normal people 'see', and it took a moment to begin to make sense of what was being transmitted both to the biological portion of the ru'un, and to me.
After further concentration, I was able to make sense of most of the various layers of perception, and was even able to discern the door, the sarcophagi, etc. It seemed that I was looking through numerous sets of 'eyes'. One of the sets of eyes (the biological?) was immersed in a murky liquid, and I could make out tentacles moving about. However most of the perceptions felt as if they originate from elsewhere, but very close by, and were fed into the visual receptors of the biological entity. The visions being passed along to me were dizzying and difficult to concentrate on. It was as if I were seeing through many different 'eyes' all looking at different things, from different directions, at the same time. Sesel knocked high and loud at a top corner of the door, and I was able to note that the ru'un focused on that location (but on the opposite side), and a strange new visual layer immediately formed, with a circular symbol housing a cross – a manner of targeting?
After some quick, quiet discussion, I turned myself invisible but maintained my connection to the ru-'un, Avin began concentrating on a spell, Durham and others made ready for a physical assault, while Sesel leveled a strange device at the door. When Sesel operated his device, all of my visual senses blanked out, excepting what was being seen by the biological entity – all of its inputs from other sources had suddenly ceased. The door was thrown open and the ru'un stood there, slightly hunched down, and seemingly unable to function. At this time Avin loosed their spell, which burned into the mind of the ru'un, stunning it and sending it into wild hallucinations! And yes, dear reader, I was privy to those hallucinations, and was almost laid low by them as well!
With the ru'un stymied, Raoden and I quickly began a concentrated search of the thing, assuming that it must have some 'power' source hidden within an enclosed pocket (like Bob, some of our own devices, and other sarcophagi we have seen). If we could locate the power core and remove it, then perhaps the ru'un could be reduced to helplessness. As well, Durham and Pako used ropes to securely tie the legs of the ru'un tightly together, in the hope that if it did wake up, its movement might be hampered, and we could make an escape!
Even as the creature within the ru'un seemed unresponsive, various lights began to turn back on, and a low whirring and humming became faintly audible. The ru'un, perhaps, was capable of some autonomous operation even if its controlling biological entity was incapacitated. Raoden and I found a promising panel and pried it open. I hoped beyond hope that what happened to me last time I uncoupled power to items of tech/magic (a massive, painful explosion!) was not repeated. It was not, and we were able to expose a power cell. Assuming the worst, that if the power cell were removed it would expose us all to the poison light of radiation, we all departed the room while Avin and Gan (who each had protection from the poison light), removed and safely secured the power cell.
As power was shut off, the ru'un further slunk down, all of its lights were extinguished, a sharp hissing was heard, and a large, clear capsule (housing the biological entity within its murky liquid matrix), was ejected from the body of the ru'un. This was also retrieved and secreted away by Avin. The body of the ru'un was too large, weighty, and cumbersome for us to carry out of the catacombs, and we left it to Durham to determine a manner that we could employ in the future to cart this creature away for study.
The room was thoroughly searched, and all valuable materials were collected. Several of the sarcophagi held what appeared to be living, sleeping humans within. The text that scrawled along the 'magic mirrors' lining their walls were different than what had been observed on those that formerly housed Klackons (under Dalan's tomb). We assumed that the text was of a different language, but likely described similar information about the inhabitants. So much to study and learn here!
Feeling giddy with our success, we were tempted to press onward, to explore more! However, Gan, ever the stoic, candidly noted that we had accomplished much, had collected many valuable items, had gained much knowledge, and we were unscathed. Perhaps the better part of valor was to return with our spoils, live to eat great meals, drink strong drink, and regale our loved ones with heroic tales! We could then ponder further on our new-gained knowledge and return another time to continue our adventures. Reluctantly, but understandably, we all agreed. Our valuables were packed away, the maps rolled up, and we made our way out of the catacombs, out of the Necropolis, and returned to civilization. However, while my companions returned to Cothon-Gadeed, I returned to Bob to make final notations on our new map, and to continue my studies using the old Klackon tome of “Jabborg and the Thunderbolt”.
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