Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Lars Ghar-Rider Art!

(plus an historical aside regarding the "novel" notion of riding an animal)

First, as "commissioned" by the company playing alongside Lars during the Quest for the Ghar, an image drawn by Joel of his character (Lars) leaping on the back of the armored river-dweller and gathering the spiritual strength of his ancestors in his hand, not for the normal purpose of healing, but instead for the purpose of slaying this last ghar that the company faced!

And indeed, as reported by his comrades, it was Lars' touch that slew the last of the ghars they faced while questing with the strangely-accented barbarian! (and observe how the creature has not only a terribly spiked club-tail with which to batter attackers from behind--but more terribly, three "mouths" extruded from its main maw on tentacular muscular structures that can reach out 10 or more feet)

Lars Ghar-Rider, by Joel (earning Lars 100 xp per level)

And then an historical aside, brought to mind by the curious idea of "riding" an animal; as certain of the barbarians engaged on the enterprise brought up the idea of placing a howdah upon the beast, rather than having it borne by slaves. Curious indeed! But a certain legend of the Immortal Columns of the Doulii Klackons at least corroborates the idea:

the Dlakolel "the Steeds of al Sarakun"
Those of learning may remember from ancient history that Dalan II. the Pure, the Great was the lord of ancient Tsurr who is said to have turned back the Immortal Columns of the Doulii Klackons. It was his phalanxes that held the line, and with the help of his Eyes, drove back the Immortal Klackons on the field, and turned them southward, whither only legends know.

Others may have heard of the dlakolel, the great flying beetle-like creatures that the Klackons cultivate in their Spires; creatures covered with shells of dead black, and bearing fur of such true-black color that it is highly valued as a lining for fur cloaks in the Klackon market (indeed, some say that the black shalk-beetles of the badlands that spew up burning acids when attacked are like miniature dlakolel).

Well, these items coincide certain legends that part of the terror of the Doulii advance was in their use of terrific, indeed gigantic! dlakolel, upon which their warriors perched during their advance from the Toxic Jungles on the border of Misr over all the lands from there until Dalan II. drove them from the walls of Tsurr. Great flying dlakolel, blacker than the shadows cast by their passage, spewing shalk-like fire from their gullets, and swarming with Doulii warriors crouched in howdahs or sedans upon the chitinous backs of the titanic beetles and either raining down darts and javelins, or leaping down to melee at the tops of even the most fortified cliffs or walls.

With the use of these great "steeds", the Doulii literally rained terror down upon the heads of their enemies, even as their endless legions and columns marched up in a never-ending horde from their homeland.

And yet--who can believe such tales? No Klackon now knows how to harness a dlakolel for such a task, let alone the beetle allowing it to happen. And no beast domesticated by humans could so be harnessed save perhaps the chlen--and what a laughable beast that would be, to ride into combat! Ponderously slow, temperamental to pain, liable to panic!--to mount oneself upon its back would be as effective as to ride into battle in a sedan borne by unarmed slaves.

Certainly only wizards or such could effect the use of such "steeds" as the Doulii dlakolel, and yet not any modern sorcerer has chosen to create same; how could these legends be anything other than fantastic propaganda? Wonderful tales? And yet ... much has recently been uncovered in the Tel al Safina (and elsewhere) that seems quite wondrous ...

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