Wednesday, February 24, 2021

The Society of Lamplighters and Treasure-Bearers

Following the public chartering of the Survivors of the Tel as a company bounden together in the common interest of delving the Tel al Safina for its lost treasures and ancient mysteries, there was something of an acme of interest in the idea of such an adventuring-society.

Over at the Herm & Stone, one Akin the Beautiful put together a small group, proclaiming themselves the Heroic Companions of Hrrl-ra. Their recent first foray into the Tel in imitation of the Survivors (and other, less-incorporated adventurers) met with violence, but not without lucre. Akin himself has been wounded for the week, while potential hireling Zaid-Zero was almost slain and is also laid low recuperating.

As to the fate of Zaid, and of other former hirelings--Uthia in particular, who was slain in the Weirding Caves and her body left behind, but also Mad Matho, whose right arm was melted and who no longer seeks to join any company--a similar "organizing impulse" has been heard amongst the various hangers-on and ne'er-do-wells amongst the taverns of Cothon whose services can be hired for a share of treasure.

To this end, a group of the lot have declared themselves The Society of Lamplighters and Treasure-Bearers, and they have drawn up an official charter for themselves detailing their responsibilities to those who employ them, and their employers' responsibilities toward themselves. Not all of the pool of hirelings have yet signed on to this "union", but those who have hope that their influence will either ultimately win everyone over, or at least influence future "wages", etc. for everyone.

The Lamplighters' Society

Recognizing that one of the main functions of a hireling for a group of adventurer is as a torchbearer, linkboy, lamplighter, etc., the Society has established itself as an adjunct of the Guild of Chandlers and Lamplighters whose main public-house is the lesser tavern The Hall of Nimhe, not far from the Confraternity of Issa. With this as their "base", the Society is easy to locate, and as they are explicitly seeking employment with adventuring companies or individuals, player-characters hiring from the Lamplighters go through a different hiring process than that for the disorganized hangers-on.

First, the prospective employer offers a share of treasure to the Society, which will be added to the Society's coffers and used for the benefit of all of its members. The player-character then rolls a die according to the proffered share of treasure, following this table:

Dice Rolled

Share Offered

d3 (1-3)

quarter share

d6+1 (2-7)

half share

d4+3 (4-7)

full share

The dice will/may change in the future, depending on changes to the number of Society-members. At the moment there are seven "founding" members, and when one has obtained a die roll from the above table, one then cross-references it with the members'-table:








Wahid the Wastrel


empty tankard

likely hung over


Pseudolus Freedman


spear and shield

freed slave


Doctor Sontag


healing kit

haunted, refuses to fight


Tanit al Jamila


kindjal dagger, spell

flaunts her figure


Vudot Vodot


charm person

stentorious orator


Pkunk the Mystic


6th sense

offers aura readings


Kogus the Bodyguard


macuahuitl, arbalest

always completes contract

At the end of an expedition, the promised share of treasure must be paid to the Society, as well as a flat wage to the hireling according to their class:

  • beggars should receive 10 gold

  • footmen should receive 25 gold

  • skilled hirelings (i.e. a physician) should receive 50 gold

  • a classed character should receive 100 gold

As part of the impetus to create the Society was mutual assistance and insurance against poor treatment, hiring a member of the Lamplighters includes the expectation that a diya (man-price) of 100 gold, or a full share of treasure (whichever is higher) is to be paid to the Society if a member is maimed to the extent that they can no longer expedition (e.g. Mad Matho), or killed during the course of adventure. It is expected that bodies be returned to be given proper rites, unless dire circumstance prevents them being retrieved.

Cruel treatment of a member, or abandoning the body of one slain, will result in a player-character being unable to contract with the Society again; however, good treatment, such as a wage bonus, buying extra equipment, or other such gifts, etc. will result in the player-character receiving preferential treatment from the Society, including increased loyalty, and possibly a reduction in hiring-costs.

What are the advantages to hiring from the Society of Lamplighters?

1) All members are at +1 morale. This hasn't come up much in the game so far, but I do roll reactions/morale for hirelings asked to do dangerous things, and because of this +1, Society members are more willing to risk danger and less likely to flee from it compared to others

2) Though modest right now (an inconsequential institution), the Society of Lamplighters aims to use its coffers and clout to purchase its own store of arms, armor, and adventuring equipment with which to outfit its members; thus Society-members will come already "kitted out" rather than needing their employer's assistance

3) As an established institution in the Dual-City, a friendly relationship/good reputation with the Society of Lamplighters may open the possibility of employing them in ways other than the typical expedition or adventure. The possibilities are certainly nebulous at the moment, but could ultimately be of wide-ranging applications

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