Monday, December 14, 2020

Sesel's Birdbrained Adventure

 (an account written by player-character Sesel concerning the recent expedition north up the coast from Cothon-Gadeed, and earning Sesel 100 xp per level):

The Survivors of the Tel, having now survived for a month after their escape from the KzinTi, got together for something of a reunion. Having had conversations with Razzo, and witnessing the scouting abilities we decided to follow it to the North, through the Gate of Fishermen.

We moved North, past the sea-caves, past the spires of the Klakons, and still the bird drew us North. And so we continued, until finally the bird drew us to the cliffs, far to the North. It was here that we came upon an ancient and forgotten human settlement. The area so old and decrepit that the buildings no longer remain, only the lines of trees from an orchard, the patches of crops from cultivated land.

Following the guidance of the bird we made our way through nearby caves, having a chance run-in with some Sakkra. I was able to negotiate a safe passage from these Sakkra, allowing us movement amongst the caves, without having to fight.

The bird aided greatly in our progress, allowing us to easily navigate the caverns and make our way to an Alkari settlement. Here I again negotiated safe passage. The Alkari guarded, but not overtly hostile. Now deep within these sea-caves the bird seemed to provide conflicting instruction, and so we were forced to search and seek in a more manual fashion.

Fortunately, we discovered a location guarded by a specter. Here we were able to use the bird to grant us access and retrieve the treasures beyond.

Having reached our goal we took our leave of the sea-caves, making our way past the Alkari and Sakkra, and finally returning back to the city.

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