Thursday, July 28, 2022

Winter is Coming

Those who are keen to the change of seasons will have already noted the general cooling, and the increase in winds, rains, and storms over the waters of Dirac’s Sea. In truth, the southern coast of the Sea of Dirac is well-placed to maintain mild temperatures even as the long winter sets in, and it will never get cold in the area of the Dual-Cities—snow is a thing that few inhabitants have ever seen, unless they are foreigners from the north, or those who have gone far up into the southwestern highlands and mountains. The growing season around Cothon-Gadeed and others of the Ten Cities League—and elsewhere on the coast—lasts throughout the solar year, and though certain crops fair less well in the cool and wet, others thrive, meaning that winter will not have extreme effects in the cities.

Elsewhere in the world, of course, winter means something quite different. Twelve months of cold, storms, and snow are only survivable by those who look ahead and set aside large stores of food; and who are able to trade goods and wealth for extra food stores. Unfortunately, the change in weather makes passage over Dirac’s Sea dangerous, as great storms sweep through continually between the northern and southern continents, and so only bold sea captains are willing to risk their ships for the potentially huge rewards of running supplies to the snow-beleaguered north.

In the course of normal winters, what this means for Cothon-Gadeed is a general increase in prices, as the demand for grains and food from foreign ports increase. Unfortunately, this winter the cities are facing extra pressures—chiefly, the destruction wreaked by the Red Cloud and his Kzinti Heroes and tribal auxiliaries. With the razing of Al Zaytun, the destruction of the orchards and vinyards and pastures that had made the land prosperous, the Dual Cities will be facing increased demand in their own walls, as well as from distant ports.

What this means for player-characters based in the Dual-Cities:


This would normally occur in winter regardless, but because of the Red Cloud and his ravages, winter inflation will be exacerbated this season. As of this post, all items listed in arms, armor, or adventuring gear lists must be purchased at twice the listed rate. This increase will last until noted otherwise; the winter season will last at least into next June (2023).

Ocean Storms and Bad Weather

During winter, only the bold or desperate travel by sea, especially in galleys like those favored by the Ten Cities League, which are easily swamped or broken by stormy seas. The high-castled cogs and sailing ships of the north fare better in such weather, but even they are at risk during the winter storm season. This doesn’t mean that travel by sea is impossible, but player-characters who wish to travel by sea during the next eleven months will be at higher risk of running into storms.

There have been several adventures in which boat-owning characters facilitated travel to or from the adventure location (or an adjacent location); such ferrying will now incur a small risk of running into a storm, as the weather can be quite unpredictable. If that medium of transport is used, there will now be a roll for bad weather, which may either force the boat back, swamp it, or perhaps even see it wracked against cliffs or rocks.

Similarly, overland travel is affected by the increase in rains. Roads that are normally dry and easy to traverse can become churned mud, making travel more difficult. Not impossible, by any means, but journeys overland will be at a slower pace than was possible before. It hasn’t been the case that player-characters have embarked on any really long journeys overland, but if anyone did so now, the trek would be affected by the inclement weather.

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