[written by Max, who ran the session--thanks, Max!]
Curious patrons of Cothon Under-Star are once again shooed away from a strange door in its library by adventurers.
Durham, fighter 7
Pako, renyu
Najm, magic-user 5
Alianor Drake, fighter 1
Heijo, magic-user 6
Arngeir, fighter 5
The party exits some time later. Onlookers notice Durham’s renyu, Pako, clutching a small book. Rumors have begun to circulate about how every time the adventurers enter with a hmela, but don’t leave with one. Perhaps some dark magic is necessary to use the door.
The Lucre
Barrel, precious stones 2000* dinars (gp)
Book, The Ninja’s Handbook (claimed by Pako)
Notes on serudla, copied from A Bestiary of Strange Heraldic Monsters (claimed by Arngeir)
Miniature door
Marble #20 (claimed by Najm)
Femur of Gustav Durst (1400g)
Librarian Summoning Bell
The Learning (3,568 xp)
3400 xp from treasure
75 xp from Furious Catalog
28 xp from Library Slug
13 xp from Dust Elemental, Injured
35 xp from Yawper
The Cut
892 xp to each player-character
446 xp to Pako and Alianor Drake400* dinars to each player-character
200* gp to Pako and Alianor Drakethe miniature door
the Femur of Gustav Durst
the Librarian Summoning Bell
Marble #20 and serudla notes claimed by Najm and Arngeir respectively)
*This “raw” dinar-value assumes selling the precious stones at “market” value and without trying to go through the Piedrejoya Guild—any characters with connections to that guild of Jewelers and Lapidaries could well net a higher value and win the company more “take-home” lucre
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