Sunday, May 15, 2022

Putting Rumors to Rest

In recent months, two prominent adventurers in Cothon-Gadeed--one a citizen, one a barbarian--have been beset by the circling of evil rumors, rumors like the circling of giriku over carrion: Durham and his Ringing Anvil said to be harboring ambitions against the Mother of Cities in her hour of darkness, and Sesel, iqtadar of the North Shore and subject to the envy of others of his class ...

Festering like boils, these rumors were a painful irritation to each of these, one a denizen of Cothon, the other a citizen of Gadeed--and yet both stood forth boldly, and like a leech with his lance, needled the boiling rumors directly, rather than let them fester. Here are their responses; the Scribes note that the ambitions they set forth were sufficient, and no rolls are required for either party:

1) Durham of the Ringing Anvil
(written by Joel)

In order to deal with the protest outside the Ringing Anvil, Durham feels the best solution is to rally support to his side and hold a counter-protest to win the court of public opinion. He will do this by spending 250 dinars (gp) at the four Great Taverns (1000 gp total) buying drinks and meeting with the leadership of each.

A message of the current protest is "non-human connections are bad", in particular Durham's connection with the Wasgo tribe of renyu. Durham will try to persuade leadership and patrons at the four Great Taverns to join him in a counter-protest held at the end of the week (30 April), where he will give a speech to address the untrue accusation that he is disloyal to Cothan. He will tell all who listen that this non-human rhetoric is a danger to all of Cothan-Gadeed as all the great taverns have a non-human association and this rhetoric should be met now before it gains any more strength. 

Durham's speech :

Many of you gathered here are aware of the shadow that has been cast upon me and my loyalties, but I am here to cast the light of truth on the situation. 

It is absolutely true that I have bonds of friendship with the Wasgo tribe and Hanse. But having these bonds does not make me disloyal to Cothan. I have always loved the diversity of Cothan, this city has been welcoming to foreigners like me and embraces others of different race and creed. Are not the four great taverns better with their non-human counterparts, is Cothan not greater for its non-human citizens…then why judge my friendship with the Wasgo so harshly?

Do you really believe I would turn my back on the city that has allowed my business to thrive? points to the spinning arms of the windmill– People of Cothan search your hearts and you'll know the truth. My connection to the Wasgo is no danger to this city!

2) Sesel, Voice of the Survivors and Iqtadar al Saahil al Shamaliy
(written by Jacob)

As a burgeoning member of the Eyes of the Souffets, Sesel feels it is his duty to aid these Iqtas that have been ravaged by the Red Cloud. While he prepares his own forces to more directly aid in these assaults, he sends a letter to Souffet Khusra:

“I am disheartened by the destruction wrought by the Red Cloud across the Southern Iqtas, and feel it is my duty, as a member of your eyes, to provide what aid I can to these unfortunate souls. Being an adventurer I have some reasonable wealth accumulated, and with your leave I shall hire up a sizable mercenary force to march down to these Iqtas and provide them with some relief. Or, if it be more amenable, I could simply provide the dinars to the Poor Brothers (or other existing organization) that they might already have such a force they could gather and send relief. And, naturally the force will be either disbanded once the threat has passed or otherwise turned over to the control of Gadeed.”

As the Souffets accept this proposal, Sesel hires this force:

45 archers

45 heavy footmen

55 light footmen

1 captain, one Tanahhl al Shams

He pays a total of 1000 dinars, including the 750 dinars to raise the force, and 250 dinars in bonuses to raise it quickly--”The sooner it can depart, the better.” ~Sesel

The intent here is to send it as an aid to move amongst the various affected Iqtas. They are hired for 1 month, from 1 May.

Sesel publicly makes statements as to the support and well being of the affected Iqtas and their citizens and residents. He never addresses the rumors, for surely any such things are but idle gossip; but that he hears the sliver of truth in these rumors, that the Southern Iqtas are in dire need of support, and he is answering the call, however indirect it may come.

While the force is assembled, Zaida [Sesel's wife ~the Scribes] will use her contacts with her family [Banu al Rashid] to begin countering some of the rumors with comments about “I wonder why the Barcidae don’t send some of their forces to support the Southern Iqtas? Surely they have more wealth and power than some newly minted citizen.” and “It is unfortunate these Southern Iqtas felt they had no allies amongst the other Iqta owners or Great Houses such that they have weathered so long on their own. Seems like they barely had to ask and Sesel rose up to help. What are others even doing but cowering behind their forts and drawing a line in their sand?”

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